Ucraina se confruntă cu pene de curent în mai multe regiuni în urma unui atac aerian rusesc masiv lansat în cursul zilei. „Putin a ales în mod deliberat Crăciunul pentru un atac”, a declarat preşedintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski pe X.
The main conceptual idea in both headlines and related news pieces is the unrelenting targeting of Ukraine's civilian infrastructure by Russia, particularly its energy grid, during the Christmas season. * Putin lasă Ucraina în beznă, de Crăciun: This phrase directly translates to "Putin leaves Ukraine in darkness, for Christmas," highlighting the intentional disruption of power supply leaving Ukrainians without essential services during a holiday. * Zelenski, după atacul rusesesc la sistemul energetic: „Ce ar putea fi mai inuman?”: This translates to "Zelensky, after the Russian attack on the energy system: 'What could be more inhuman?'" emphasizing the brutality and lack of empathy behind the Russian aggression against vulnerable civilians. The news focuses on the human cost of war on a civilian population, emphasizing the difficulty of celebrating Christmas without basic necessities like electricity.